Why do I love to be a Google local guide?

Hi everyone
I am Abdulkarim Salem and I go with the user name KarimSalem as a level 7 google local guide for now.
Being a travel lover I adore being a guide for others as I got a lot of help from other people to know the best places and the better routes .
Google map changed the game rule and still updating and offering the best in this field. I was honored to be a member of the Google local guide community which help me to pay back for everyone who helped me or helped others onetime. My main goal is having fun through helping people. It is something priceless actually. Google map let you feel that you are a distinguished person in a postive way . I feel that every time I am adding new place or writing a review about restaurant , hotel, mall or any other place or business platform. Even I am in level 7 as Google local guide I certainly need more experience. I am trying to get more of that through following other experts of Google local guides from all over the world. In my opinion annual meetings are great for exchanging experiences about Google maps ,guiding and reviewing places. Meanwhile I am reading and following other experts guiders and trying to learn how they work an reviewing and I am working hard to improve my joyfully job as local guide for Google.
One thing is very important to share about the local guide contributions is that the honesty is coming first . When I review a place I feel the heavy burden on my shoulders to tell the truth about the place so the people can decide whether to visit or not to visit. As a guide you can tell how you can inspire people then you should feel the heavy responsibility.
I hope my contributions day after day will share a small bit in improving Google maps and make them better and more beneficial.

Best regards to all

Abdulkarim Salem

Saudi Arabia , Medina