Why do I like to travel?

A good trip is not improvised !

Without a doubt, one of the most pleasant and enriching experiences is to travel; because when we have not left our borders, we have a very limited vision of the world. When visiting another country, the environment changes, the horizon line expands. Exploring new directions is a challenge that we should give ourselves the pleasure of assuming.

We must open our minds to different and changing societies, be willing to know many or few places, respect and value new ways of being or thinking, recognize ethnic differences, as well as understand better or worse the politics of the places to visit. We can also evaluate each festive event with greater or less indifference and finally to satisfy the expectation, which made us get up and motivate us to start a trip … a new adventure for our life.

Faced with the challenge of traveling, our enthusiasm and expectations grow, we begin to feel butterflies in our stomachs. We are full of enthusiasm and positivity to achieve the desired dream … On each trip our personal world expands, widens and becomes richer either as travelers of passage, tourists or backpackers.

As good tourists or backpackers, when we return home, we always come amazed at everything we have lived. We paid to give us the great Taste to know and bestow the opportunity to learn about new cultures; the books they will not teach us the art of humanize, fills us with great pride and satisfaction living everything what we visited, no matter if It’s nice or ugly, if there are people poor or rich, what is worth and account is really the fact.

Each trip broadens our form to think and see things, our world is made every bigger and cosmopolitan time, our mind was ecstatic before new opportunities, experiences and experiences, that we will accompany forever and that all this helps to be every time best citizens of the world, being more tolerable, more sensitive and more human.

There are many reasons move us to travel, either by business or pleasure, be it to the beach, to climb a mountain, madness of a city, the silence of desert, the furor of the savannah or the imposing tropical jungle, We will gladly do what we be within our reach to follow enjoy it, as much as possible, knowing the world and
your humanity.


Indeed, I agree with you.it’s great to travel as it widens our horizons. My fav part when traveling is meeting new people and learning about their unique cultures.

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