Why Being A Local Guide Inspires Me Daily

The fact that I like to explore new cities so I decided to join the local guide program. This program gave me the chance to taste new food and experience various dishes. In particular, I got served the most delicious dishes of traditional Turkish dishes. Kebab, kofta, pide and baklava, which is a very sweet and yummy dishes, were one of my favorites of the rich and traditional Turkish cuisine.

Furthermore, my work enables me to learn about cultures and languages I wouldn’t have the access to otherwise. This way some common phrases have stuck with me.
I still remember some Turkish people I met. They were so kind and welcoming to me, although I was a complete stranger to them. This also resonates with what you hear a lot in the markets, restaurants, and cafes in Turkey, ‘Hosgeldiniz’ or ‘Buyrun’, which means welcome in Turkish. The Turkish people will treat you kindly whoever you are and will welcome you to their country.
Moreover, these experiences throughout my work life have sparked my passion about photography. Thereby, I could improve my skills in this field.
From all of my trips, the one I think of the most is a place with an upside down house in the Turkish province of Ordu. The bed, table, chairs, and curtains were twisted and fastened at the top. That house was constructed with an eye for details, even the TV and a plant were fastened upside down. Next to the house is a cable car which takes you up to the mountain that has an amazing view of Ordu. Additionally, right behind the house you have an incredible view of the black sea.
A special moment on that cable car, which I still remember as if it were yesterday was when the weather changed all of a sudden and it began to be windy and cloudy above the mountains. And right then the cable car started to swing in the air. In that situation I felt the need to calm down the passengers and remind them that there was no reason to be in panic because it was normal for the cable cars to swing like that.

This made me realize that I’ve learned to maintain an overview of what’s happening, and therefore, I know exactly what needs to be done, even in critical conditions.

To summarize, the role of a local guide offered me training and support so that I could learn new skills, develop these and have fun at the same time.


you are truely one good photographer with writing skills as an extra. Thanks for sharing your thoughts


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Being Helpful is what Local Guide means to me


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