Why are my photos not getting featured?

Hello everyone,

I have been noticing a strange thing for the past couple of years. Whenever I add the photos to the newly created businesses place or already created but there were no photos, then my uploading photos are not getting featured on the businesses place.

I don’t know what kind of bug this is.

Does anyone know about this?



Hi @Ma18

I looked at your photos and I think I know why your photos are not getting featured.

You need to think about the Maps users when taking photos. What would be helpful to them when they are trying to find the place? Taking pictures of signs and details are not as helpful as showing the entrance and the entire storefront with some margin around to help Maps user find the place.

Find my Storefront Photography series here. You can learn how to make better photos for Google Maps and how to get more photo views. This will also help your photos get featured.

Next, I have to kindly remind you that we can never upload duplicates and similar photos. Please read https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/General-Discussion/Avoid-uploading-duplicates-and-similar-pics/m-p/3559401 and start deleting all the duplicates and redundant photos you have uploaded.

All the best



Hi @Ma18

I think the questions you should ask to yourself are a bit different:

  • Why ONLY 529 of my photos are not publicly visible in Google Maps? This is in fact the first question that comes in my mind. Or, on the reverse side: Why so many photos still visible in my public profile, despite violating the Community policy ?:
    • “Take photos that clearly and accurately represent a location …**”
    • “Dark, blurry, and redundant photos will be removed. Users who duplicate photos across locations, … will also be removed.”
  • Why, despite the point mentioned above, Google hasn’t removed me from the Local Guides program yet?

After that, a big cleanup will probably save your profile, and reading the Storefront Photography Series written by @MortenCopenhagen will help you to upload photos that will have more possibility to be featured. I think you will have to remove around 70% of your visible photos. I see that also 8 of your reviews are not visible, but in my opinion is better not to ask Google for the check of your contributions, not yet, because if they check your account the possibility of a permanent ban is around 99.999%.

Good Luck


Hi @Ma18 ,

I see you got great tips and suggestions to your query by the fellow Local Guides.

I just want to let you know that I will change the topic of your post to How-tos to keep Connect organized. This is the place where you can ask questions, share tips and feedback about Connect and the Local Guides program.


Thanks a lot for the detailed reply

Thanks a lot for the detailed reply.

Hi @Ma18 ,

Just as a reminder, don’t forget when responding to others to tag them (by writing @ before their names) so they receive a notification and can easily find your post.


@MashaPS Sure, Thanks!

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