Why are my pending changes taking so long to be approved?

I joined Local Guides because several errors had been introduced to Texada Island, BC Canada where I live

As a simple test to fix things I moved the Van Anda Post Office to the correct place. Simply checking for the correct street address and location of that address on the Canada Post website would have confirmed my change. Yet the change is still pending approval almost a month later.

As a secondary question how do I find why Google Maps is changing information to be completely wrong for Van Anda, BC Canada (Texada Island). If there is a troll changing things wrong I want Google to block said person from changing Google Maps.

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Hello @Timothy_Atwood

Welcome to local guide connect. Sorry about your experience on this. There are various reasons why your proposed edit is not approved yet. Edits as far as I know is verified by local operators or Al or perhaps both of the systems together. It might take time in some cases just to approve the right thing.

Please have a look at this article**Why is my edit status “Pending” or “Not Applied”? .** Meanwhile you did well to join the local guide program to help contribute to the maps.


Hi @Timothy_Atwood

I think you are correct and in line with r with what Google intends with respect to approving legitimate edits and blocking spammers. It is an automated proces, and trusting the websites of the places is not what the automated systems do. They look for evidence supporting your edits in more resoected directories online. And your edit history is also taken into account.

You may find How to make sense of Google’s responses to your edits interesting since Approved, Not applied, and Pending are explained in more detail than in the link shared by @SholaIB .

And recently I posted How to get Edits and New Places Approved with lots of tips that could be relevant for you.


PS you have only 6 approved edits under your belt. With more experience your approval rate is likely to go up given the AI filters can approve your suggested edits.