Why absulatley Duplicate places are not removing

I am not sure that this article should be post here or any where else I live in Pakistan here Google guide community is not very strong many people didn’t search and add same place with new names for example this Palace is added four time at same area with little difference in name I want to merge these Palaces in one But Google reviewing it for a long and takes a lot of time to remove it and mostly Denies to remove it and answered me Not applicable hence I am 1000000% sure it is Duplicate Place


Please someone answer me what should I do


When I check that area, I only see 3 POIs, not 4 and all 3 are different in name and in category. That could already be an explanation why the suggested merge is denied right away.

And are you sure that they all are meant to represent the same place? One is labeled Musuem, another Place of worship. Is there a museum at all there? If yes, that would probably qualify as a separate POI. If no, then you should start by changing the name and category of the incorrect ones to match the correct one and then, after those changes are approved, suggest the merge once more.


@JanVanHaver Thanks for Guiding me So I will go through all your suggested process but It will take some time.

Basically its a shrine I have shared the links of all four different Names for same place I have changed the category for one place its accepted and other three are already is listed as Shrine so I will wait if category will be changed I will try to Merge tomorrow again and let you know and have a look on four places if you will see the pictures you will be 100% sure that it is same place






You have the local knowledge, so I certainly trust your word for it @Muhammad_Usman . Good luck with the edits!

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Thanks for your trust @JanVanHaver

although its not my city I recently visited this place when I try to upload pictures I was surprised to see four Names for the Same place So I gone with the Palace with highest reviews

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These situations are often tricky @Muhammad_Usman , but it seems you’re on the right track.

A word of advice is besides the category, to edit as much information as possible about the place you are trying to get merged. Try to make the information match that of the the original listing. This will most likely make the merge easier.

I noticed that two of the listed places have different phone numbers attached to them. Making this type of information match up, could help the process.


@MortenSI I have already requested for category change but still in pending status Here in Pakistan which one add the place he oftenl add his own cellphone No.its also a big problem so now I try to change its Phone No.


Good to hear that you’re doing something to correct this information @Muhammad_Usman , that’s the best way we can make Google Maps helpful to everyone.