Who's all discovering HTX?

I want to connect with my fellow guides in Houston, TX

I have a passion for showcasing the depth of the character of the city and all of the cultures within it. Let’s discover together


Hello @willavilahtx

Welcome to LG Connect and congratulations on your first post here.

It is nice to know that you are willing to connect with local guide in your area.

Here are a few tips and easy ways to connect with local guides in the shortest possible time.

1. Favorite Locations

To easily connect with Local Guides in your local area, you may want to try the Favorite Locations feature.
Go to your settings page and add up to 3 locations after which posts created by local guides from those cities will be listed on the main page.

Tip: If you are traveling to a new place temporarily, you can remove and add the new one. Changes reflect immediately. Following that you can connect with local guides from the new place.

2. Browse Older Posts

Browse through older posts of local guides from a place and check if they are still active and would be interested in a meetup. Chances are enthusiastic local guides did not find enough people to connect some time back and respond to your comments.

3. Private Messages

Send a private message to local guides using the feature here on Connect.

4. Upcoming Meetups

A meet-up is meant to explore new places and make friends with local guides in your community. Check for upcoming meetups in the Meet-ups section.

By clicking the Show All button circled (2) in the image below you can also search for meetups by location.

5. Previous Meetups

Leave a reply on past meetups.

Search The LG Connect community for the word recap that is used by most local guides in their post-meetup reports. You can then search through past meetups telling the local guides that you missed it and leave a request to notify you when the next meetup is hosted.

6. Conduct a meet-up

Use the Submit meet-up button circled (1) in the image above to host a meetup. This would be a great way to reach out to the local guide community in that place proactively.

7. Do not hesitate

Go ahead and post a message seeking local guides in a city like this person from Bangalore did and got a good response.

Make sure you add a location to the post as shown in the image below.

Hope you find these useful.

And that is not all, we are celebrating LG Cannect’s 8th anniversary this month.

You can participate by hosting a meetup around this theme and show the vibes of HTX to the world.\

Here is the link: Local Guides Connect - 8th anniversary Celebration :partying_face: of the Local Guides… - Local Guides Connect

Hey Will, I’m new to this as well and would love to get a headstart straight into the program via meet-up. Contact me asap, and we can work together to organize a group of other likeminded individuals seeking a community here.

Just shoot me a dm