Who wants to document Churches in Raleigh for a walking tour?

I’m a resident of Raleigh, North Carolina. I love to hike, and I’m a Catholic who is on a spiritual journey with Christ. I guess you could say that I see life as a pilgrimage, which is really a lifelong hike! I am inspired by stories told by through hikers on the Appalacian Trail, but lately I am spellbound by the Camino de Santiago, the great pilgrimage route in France and Spain. I have a dream to map out pilgrimages to local churches that will make walking a form of moving prayer. I have already done this in Raleigh by walking from Sacred Heart Church on Hillsborough St to the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Western Blvd with a group of fellow pilgrims.

What I have in mind is for members of local churches to better document their sanctuaries on google, as well as develop walks that can be taken on Sunday or other occasions as a spiritual exercise.

Hi @pilgrimhiker good on you for starting to organise a meetup, you should also make a meetup entry here https://maps.google.com/localguides/meetup so that important details like location, time and date and a description of your proposed Meetup are known to everyone who might like to come along.

I will also move this post to the Meetup board as that is a better fit.

I hope your Meetup goes well.

Note that generally speaking religious posts are discouraged on Connect because we have so many cultures here.

Regards Paul

I am interested in this!

Don’t worry. I am not a proselytizer.

The downtown core has many beautiful, historic churches. What I think would be good is to determine a few in-and-out routes that pass things like cafes, in order to let people park away from the church and walk back to their car. The idea is to make Sunday worship a destination, with exercise and refreshment as well.

Hi I live in Raleigh and I would like to document Churches in the Raleigh / Durham area. I have already done a bunch! Let’s meet.

Level 8

Google Map Master