Hello guys …
Have any of you noticed a phenomenon (I call it that) that happened in our community? Local Guides …
That is a phenomenon created by someone who was a topic among fellow Local Guides, especially female Local Guides ( stttt … I’m included in it🤭)
My pic from someone who created this
Photos like mine are popular in one of the social media where fellow Local Guides make friends on social media, like forming a circle of friends and yes we are connected between one and the other, who initially communicate only in Connect can now communicate in each other’s social media accounts, even the number of our friends who come from fellow Local Guides automatically increases, because it feels happy to meet with fellow Local Guides and there is a sense of interconnection and care for each other.
Until my dear sister @Lily_Asongfac posted a photo of her face, I seriously talked to her asking for help o the same as his own to his friend who at that time I did not know what his name was. No need to wait long, the kind-hearted person was willing to make his work using my photo, and woow … how happy I was
And I am very grateful, the figure is @beka_knows He is very kind and humble, I am sure Local Guides friends who know must admit. Thank you for wanting to be my friend and I am sure a good person like you must have many friends wherever you are and that you deserve, love and attention from friends. Success for you @beka_knows 
Warm greeting from Indonesia
Hai, mba @AnikSetyawati . Saya kenal @beka_knows . Tidak hanya aktif di local guide, dia juga aktif di crowdsource. Saya sudah follow dia di instagram, beberapa postingannya menarik.
Thank you very much sister @AnikSetyawati
l am glad that your mood has rise…
Hi bro @Irfan_dPriyanto
How are you?
I probably forgot you. Write to me through instagram …
That’s right, being a local guide is fun and we feel like we have friends everywhere and even all over the world. The photos are beautiful, I love it
Thank you @beka_knows brother you like my article
This special my big thanks for you 
Waah…senang dengarnya mas @Irfan_dPriyanto
Saya malah belum jadi teman anda di situ yaa🤭
Yes,you right mbak @Annisa1208
Love friendship and i meet many great and good person on Local Guide
@beka_knows too…he humble person 
And big thanks for my dear friend @AbhishekMorea hi made this too
How happy i was have many friends because Connect 
Hi @AnikSetyawati your photo art made by @beka_knows is very attractive. I saw it and others LGs in Social Media ( Instagram ) they are all beautiful real arts.
Yes you right @OSAMA_1 my friend…
That’s way i say he is a famous and trending topic on LG 
Because i think the Local Guides member each of them has an artificial photo from @beka_knows
Thank you so much for your nice words
Warm greeting from Indonesia 
Thank you very much sister @AnikSetyawati
you are amazing person I have ever met. Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (The World is One Family)
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So sweet @AbhishekMorea
And welcome to connect.you can do in This
@AbhishekMorea you can introduce yourself in This you will find many friends and know about Connect more…please welcome and be my part on Connect 
Warm regrads 
Thank you again, @AnikSetyawati I really appreciate your support and humbleness.
Hi @AnikSetyawati … so this is the famous figure you are talking about? Hi there @beka_knows …
Yes mbak @indahnuria
If mbak pay attention, some of our local guides friends have a photo of the face created by this famous figure, whereas he himself has never looked like a photo of his friends that he made with a sense of friendship … thank you for visiting my article mbak 
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