Who love to eating and taking a picture without sense of direction.

Hello, I’m Elvis Yirim Song.

I’m a kind of shy girl, at the same time, a person with no sense of direction!

For example, a few years ago when I didn’t use any GPS maps, I took a 1 hour from start point to goal point (overhead.) usually it takes 5~15minute. This happening made me realize “It’s a serious problem.” After that day, I started using a Google map to find where I am now and my goal. It was better. And I also tried to remember the title of stores on the street.

I am a google local guide from 2018, I wrote a review and took a picture everywhere I visited. That help to remember what I saw and did there. Also, I want to inform to find somewhere I visited. Report of there or upload store data that isn’t registered Google map, this is my main.

I love to take a picture of the day-to-day view, especially sky, cloud, structure…

and also a flower! Without me, I not good at taking a selfie.

I love to participate in the festival or event as a visitor and volunteer. I prefer a volunteer side, it is more rewarding and memorable for me.

I’m don’t care about food much. If I can eat, it would be O.K. Since I young, I hate to eat shellfish but recently I got over it when I am 20! I became an adult (lol) Anyway, my review didn’t help who want to know to sell incredibly delicious food. Because I fell good most food except spoiled things. So I take a photo of a menu as I possible, other people see what they’re selling. Um, I concern more about service and the atmosphere of the store than taste. Don’t misunderstand of me, I love to eating, making food and baking something. I am just generous to taste!

At first or second line of this post, I say “I am a shy girl.” Yes, I do. Even cannot order a cup of coffee at a cafe without my friends. I feel uneasy and insatiable unless I’m familiar with it. I started using a Google map and acted a local guide when I lived in Japan. These make a synergy I think. I search for a restaurant or store before I go there, and sit in there just ask “What it the recommendation?” Because I’m in a foreign country no one knows me. It’s not a big deal, but it’s affecting me a lot. Searching a review of what written by other people of Google map, I feel relax something. Now I enjoying write a review and using a Google map.

When I came back to Korea a few months ago, I realized Korean doesn’t use a google map and even no registration of store compare with Japan. So I starting register spots and store, but it still has a long way to go. I just do my best as I can and also I hope to increase Korean user of Google map. Thank you.


Hi @Yirim_S

Thank you for your post, that makes me smiling about my own sense of direction :slight_smile:

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@ErmesT Sorry, I’m late…:;

Um…you mean this post considered as a “SPAM”?, what happened this post?

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