Who is a Local Guide?
Okore Rd, Kisumu, Kenya
May 18, 2019 @ 11:00 (EAT)
Hi Guys, There will be a Google I/O extended event in my community hosted by Google developer groups(GDG) & Women Techmakers and I have been slotted one hour from 11am to 12 noon to talk about “who is a local guide” and how to join and contribute in the local guides program. I will give a talk on the following topics; How to join the local guides program, How to contribute and level up, benefits attached to the program and as a GMB trusted verifier, I will end the session by giving a presentation on creating a Google My Business(GMB) profile for businesses. Anyone is welcomed including new local guides who want to learn tips on how to level up. Kindly Carry your mobile phones and power banks or even laptops. Note: The venue is a walking distance from CBD so I believe guys will only need return fares from home approximately USD $1 equivalent to Ksh 100. CHEERS!!! SEE YOU AROUND!!!
RSVP here
Hi @WaynePeter thanks for taking part and hope those attending will learn more from you, and they will also share the information with others too. I can’t wait to read your recap as soon as you are done with your meetup. Thanks.
Thanks @Raphael-Mahumane I am hoping for the best.
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@WaynePeter I hope this event wet well! Will you be organizing any events in the near future? If you perhaps have solid dates it would be great to get more details so that I can also share that on our growing local guide community of facebook and I welcome you to join the group by clicking on this link.
I have never organized a meet up and it would be great to grow the community so that we can learn from each other.
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Thanks @ahadilugo for the concern. Yes the meet up was successful I’ll share the recap tomorrow 'will also tag you… I am involved in many projects that’s why it has taken me a week to compile the recap, & I will check out the fb page…we also have three whats app groups for the three active communities; Nairobi, Kisumu & Nakuru… You can inbox me your contacts privately I you wanna join either of the groups