Though it’s a tough question because there are a lot of animals within a country I made my tough selection to this photo, ‘the elephant’. I am from Nepal and you can find these giants at Chitwan national park. Elephant breeding center is also there. Please post your choice/s with location. I hope this will help us to explore animals around the world.
Pet dogs
@andrelug , Tucano looks really beautiful. Is this your national bird?
It’s obvious: my own dog. In fact, the more people I get to know, the more I like my dog.
(Although that baby elephant looks nice, too)
Is it 3 legged dog @Csaba ? If so then what’s the story behind it?
Yes, @BishowvijayaP , three-legged. She’s said to have been abused when she was still a puppy and then her leg had to be amputated. We adapted her like this already when she was around 4-5 months
There are some videos about her:
She is okay now as you can see - a very agile, little dog. But we do not know what future brings so she has a small “cart” that sometimes we practice with.
I,m from Belgium
We are famous about our pigeons that are used in allot off famous games around the world.
A lovely and fluffy animal off belgium is the Flemish Giant, the worlds biggest rabbits. I had for a long time a flemish rabbit and where very friendly animals.
sites ;
You’re great man @Csaba . I heartily appreciate your caring for this beautiful dog
Hello @Anonymous_201b1f809fc0b96bc730663d06fbe813 from Mascow. Are they your pet cats? They look really beautiful. Oh god, the cat got longer mustaches than mine.
Hi @MikeyC , a lot number of pigeons can also be found here also. We take pigeons as the icon of peace and do not kill them as well. The rabbits that you have shown are really amazing for me as I had never seen them before. Don’t they attack humans? How much they weight? Also I have attached picture of our national bird known as Himalayan monal (Danphe) with this post. I hope you may like it.
I Really like that Rabit, very interesting Topic, the animals in the área. An elephants all around, amazing!!
I can´t found the picture now, but I am from the South of spain and in Gibraltar a place close to us you can find monkeys living free. They are very funny, never hurt you but if you have food they will go to pick it!
Hello @Rafaguisado , this also happens here also. Many monkeys can be found in temples of Kathmandu, Nepal. In rural area they are creating a trouble to farmers by damaging the crops. Anyway but they are beautiful and active creatures.
Hello @HenriqueBG , is the rodent equal in size with cat? This rodent seems too big in my eyes. This is also new one for me.
@BishowvijayaP wrote:
Hello @HenriqueBG , is the rodent equal in size with cat? This rodent seems too big in my eyes. This is also new one for me.
Yeah, it’s cute haha
And it is actually dog sized
@BishowvijayaP Wowww!!! These monkeys are less.Amazing picture!!
@BishowvijayaP wrote:
Hello @Rafaguisado , this also happens here also. Many monkeys can be found in temples of Kathmandu, Nepal. In rural area they are creating a trouble to farmers by damaging the crops. Anyway but they are beautiful and active creatures.
@BishowvijayaP wrote:
Hello @Rafaguisado , this also happens here also. Many monkeys can be found in temples of Kathmandu, Nepal. In rural area they are creating a trouble to farmers by damaging the crops. Anyway but they are beautiful and active creatures.
Oh! hahaha. You convinced me with this picture. Now I can clearly guess it’s size. Thank you so much for this @HenriqueBG .
Hi @BishowvijayaP ,
yeah didnt tought about that, we use just the word Postduiven. And trough translation it become pigeon, butt i founded the originall english name I think Homing Pigeon.In the World Wars they where used alott to send messages to other countries or places. Today they are used for famous games, in those competitions the money prices go to millions of euros. And the prices to buy the best pigeons goes up to thousands of euros to.
About the rabit, it weight is minimum 6kg and they are minimum 60cm big.
yes they are very friendly animals.greeetz Mikey