Where's all my photo history?

My scrolling photo contributions now only goes back 7 days when set to recent. When set to most viewed, then older photos come up, but not all of them. How can I see the rest of my photos?


Hi @KhakiStorm ,

Thanks for reaching out!

I just wanted to make sure, as when the option Sort by Date/Newest, the number of photos are not showing the same as Sort by View/Most Viewed, correct?

In the meantime, the post would be with a changed category to How-tos, should that reflect better the main subject.

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That’s correct. I didnt count them before, but most recent only shows 40 pictures (I’m sur it showed more just 2 days ago) and most viewed shows around 80 pictures.

This seems to come and go. Today I’m limited to like 40 photos (I didn’t count exactly), but yesterday I could go back forever (again not literally, but way more than 40).

Hi @KhakiStorm ,

Thanks for providing further details!

For the moment, please make sure to check regularly for similar occurrence, as we will make sure to check on our end as well.

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