There is only one thing that leads us to make certain commitments that we respect at all costs.
For many of us, the adventure with Google Maps started with a friend’s invitation, either from google notifications or from having heard about the local google guides program somewhere.
And me? Ask me how I started and why I want to work hard to improve the google map by recording useful information on several places in Cotonou.
I discovered the google maps app from my 4th class. It was during a research on the history of the transatlantic trade in Africa and during that time, we used it as any simple user would have used it. And since then, I use it for my geographical research, so it is not new to me!
Only after having got my Baccalaureate, my use of google maps has changed.
For all my school studies, I lived in a small village in Benin. Whereas the only big public university of South Benin was located in the city of Abomey Calavi, I had to join this city to be able to continue my studies. And there, everything is upset …
No area of control while I have to do tens of kilometers before joining the University of Abomey Calavi. I almost refused the invitations of my friends for fear of losing me along the way. It was really stressful.
One day while doing my research on the internet compared to a place in the middle of the city of Cotonou, I was directed on google maps to better see the location of the place. I had to go to a birthday ceremony and thanks to the route system of Google maps, I went there without complex.
An application that leads me to a place from my home and without ambiguity?
I had felt so happy that I never felt. We had made photos and I received a notification to add them to maps and give my opinion on the place (it was a hotel).
The opposite effect comes right after this one.
Formerly, I was betrayed by a false address that dragged me in any cottonou without finding the ideal place. I wasted money, energy and missed out on all that, the date. Discouraged I put a critical comment on this adventure on google maps. Other local guides in my area had to feel disappointed and encouraged me to suggest a change and then join CONNECT to further include me in the adventure of local guides …
Today I am aiming for the level 7 of contribution with additions of accessible meeting places and small service providers. Hundreds of photos added and comments almost to the standard to participate in the improvement of the map Google maps. Every Sunday night now, I land on a place never visited and with friends we improve the map so that someone still does not live this bad adventure that I had with google maps at the beginning.
Being event organizers and event communicator, I share more opinions about places to meet, parties and other places, whenever I visit one. And with a little passion for photography, it’s a good job even if I do not make money. I like to read the joy on the faces - it is also why one finds me only in places where the joy is master word. A gateway to sharing new knowledge, cultural diversity and human development: these are the major axes that determine my motivation to continue the adventure and meet even other local guides like me to share with they are the most beautiful stories of this adventure.
I just stopped to meet you …