Kalimantan is the largest island in the archipelago in Indonesia and is the third largest island in the world.
Even though I am originally from Java, but I have lived in Kalimantan for 41 years, precisely in East Kalimantan.
Now I live in Yogyakarta and am very humane if I still harbor a very longing feeling for the island where I grew up to adulthood .
If I miss it I can only treat that longing through the photos that I take, because my hobby is photography, like the photos below
caption:former coal mining pool.By @AnikSetyawati
caption: East Kalimantan swamps.By @AnikSetyawati
The photo above is a former coal and swamp mining pond in Samarinda, East Kalimantan.
I like to explore while hunting photos
caption:Segarasari Beach,Balikpapan.By @AnikSetyawati
caption:Dondang Bridge,Kutai Kartanegara.By @AnikSetyawati
Many people who, if they have never been to Kalimantan, surely in their minds Kalimantan is an island with only forest contents.
Hehehe is not true, Kalimantan is the same as other islands in Indonesia or the world, only Kalimantan is one of the lungs of the world with still many the forest is still preserved.
Oh my East Kalimantan,i really miss you
Do any of you here have the same feelings as me, longing for where we grew up from children to adults like today? please share your feelings in the comments column. Thank you and enjoy enjoying the beauty of East Kalimantan from my photos.
Enjoy my island
Enjoy my country
Enjoy Indonesia
Enjoy East Kalimantan
Warm regrads,love and peace from Indonesia