When i miss Kalimantan

Kalimantan is the largest island in the archipelago in Indonesia and is the third largest island in the world.

Even though I am originally from Java, but I have lived in Kalimantan for 41 years, precisely in East Kalimantan.

Now I live in Yogyakarta and am very humane if I still harbor a very longing feeling for the island where I grew up to adulthood .

If I miss it I can only treat that longing through the photos that I take, because my hobby is photography, like the photos below

caption:former coal mining pool.By @AnikSetyawati

caption: East Kalimantan swamps.By @AnikSetyawati

The photo above is a former coal and swamp mining pond in Samarinda, East Kalimantan.

I like to explore while hunting photos

caption:Segarasari Beach,Balikpapan.By @AnikSetyawati

caption:Dondang Bridge,Kutai Kartanegara.By @AnikSetyawati

Many people who, if they have never been to Kalimantan, surely in their minds Kalimantan is an island with only forest contents.

Hehehe is not true, Kalimantan is the same as other islands in Indonesia or the world, only Kalimantan is one of the lungs of the world with still many the forest is still preserved.

Oh my East Kalimantan,i really miss you :disappointed_relieved:

Do any of you here have the same feelings as me, longing for where we grew up from children to adults like today? please share your feelings in the comments column. Thank you and enjoy enjoying the beauty of East Kalimantan from my photos.

Enjoy my island

Enjoy my country

Enjoy Indonesia

Enjoy East Kalimantan

Warm regrads,love and peace from Indonesia :indonesia:


Mbak @AnikSetyawati your photos are beautiful. I hope you have a chance to visit kalimantan once again soon. Thank you for sharing this post with us.


So sweet mbak @Ant_Bad_Yogi ,i have new family and friends here in connect,but still i miss my part of my life

Thanks for your sweet words dear :hugs:


@AnikSetyawati seems like a silent and beautiful place :slightly_smiling_face:

I like such places hope to visit here someday with you and all out Wonderful ladies :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Thanks for Sharing


Come @FalguniP ,we can make agenda to explore East Kalimantan :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:

Love you my sister
Thanks for attention and the support


Lovely… I would love to visit Kalimantan someday :heart_eyes:


Thanks @AnikSetyawati for sharing the beautiful pictures from Kalimantan island. There are two kind of pool, the natural and made from mining industry.

Of course, you have many great memories, while U live in East Kalimantan, unforgetten memories.

Warm Regards


Please come sis @travelbyjp many beautiful place in there

We can make plan with the world ladies local guides to explore Eats Kalimantan :heart_eyes:

Love you my sister
Thanks for friendship and your support


Correct mas @PaDeSSo so many former coal mining pool in there,beautiful but dangerous too

Thank you so much for attention and nice words :blush:

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Wow ! The photos of beach are so blueee! I love greenary with the touch of ocean, you grew up there ! Lucky you mbak @AnikSetyawati

They are lungs of the world, needs to preserved always.


Yesssss… love you too Sis :hugs:

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Kalimantan is awesome! I went to Pontianak and Samarinda mba… would love to visit more cities in this magnificent island


I love too,blue is my fav colour didi @Shreeya_99

caption:Segarasari Beach,Balikpapan.By @AnikSetyawati

This photo for you dear :hugs:

Thanks for friendship and your support


Some people might recognized it as Borneo ya Mba @AnikSetyawati

Nice share.


Les’t go there mbak @indahnuria virgin island but still modern too

Thank you for nice words :hugs:

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Correct mbak @Qetuobishop Borneo Island beautiful,are you ever visit Borneo?

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Hii @AnikSetyawati thank you for sharing. I was born in Jakarta and raised here also. I was living some other cities too, at Medan and Semarang during my childhood. Medan is my mother’s origin.

I was too little to remember everything, however I can feel what you are feeling. I really want to meet with my childhood’s friends. I allocated my time to meet with friends and families whenever possible during my business trip.

Be patience … :hugs: After this pandemic you may visit your childhood city at Kalimantan.


The place looks beautiful through you photographs, thanks for sharing.


Thank your for the friendship that we have now mbak @doc_dells ,you so kindness and very supporting me

And thanks for your story that you shareand yes i hope this pandemic go soon


Your welcome @fasi6083 ,you so kindness

Thanks for nice words :blush:

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