When was the last time you went travelling, found it interesting, clicked a few snaps to show your family & friends and then…realised you just returned from Wonderland- a place most people never knew exists!
That is exactly what happened with me, an avid traveller - who has already marked my ever widening travel territory, in quiet a few places and even decided to make a living out of it as a tour operator and a chef. I am not really a photographer, but if you have a mobile and beautiful scenary in front of you, then who dosent become one! sharing some of the snaps i clicked.
I was travelling in the sate of Odisha(also known previously as Orissa) in India, when I decided to take the long and 20 plus hours of journey by train and road to a place called ONKADELLI. A very remote tribal village almost connected to no where! I stumbled upon a tribal market which happens once a week where different tribes congrugate once a week to sell their wares. very interesting indeed owing to several factors. for instance they still have the barter system - different tribes are known for their traditional expertise in different things, some for their agriculture, some for their finesse with metals, some for catching monkeys, some for weaving baskets, some for catching and rearing animals, or some for even brewing their local alchohol. They all exchange their wares at this market dressed up in beads. they rarely use clothes as we know it and if, then mostly only when dressing up- like when coming to the market. some of them wear metal rings round their necks, similar to what you see at the other end of the world, in some african tribes, but not as tight. I even got to see a very functional hair pin on one of the women, a small sickle shaped knife, which is tucked away into their hair as an ornament, which they use to cut small plants in the forest or for even self defence. Of course there is no wi-fi or even mobile coverage for kilometers around this place. And hence I was excited when I finally went on line and got a pop up from google asking me something to the effect of- if I had been to a place that was not recorded on the maps and if I would like to add this place to the map- well that was a first to me!
I have learnt that the most complex flavours in life lies in the simplest ingredients.