What would you like your coffee being served.

There is many way to serve your favorite coffee.

What way to serve the coffee is the suitable for you ?

  • In a plastic cup
  • In a paper cup
  • In a ceramic cup on top of saucer
  • In a high drink glass
  • In a glass cup
  • In an aluminum mug
  • In a ceramic mug
  • In a stainless steel mug
  • or in your favorite tumbler ?


@BudiFXW если это кафе, то только в керамической кружке. А если уличное кафе, то можно и в картонном стакане))


Hi, I hope you and your beloved family are in good healthy condition. @AndreiLaitman

A hundred percent agree with you.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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@BudiFXW For me, as long as it’s black iced coffee, I don’t really care the container haha.

Do you have any favorite spot for getting coffee from where you live? Maybe you can share a few. I always need good coffee places suggestion whenever I go back home to Jakarta :smile:


Hai @iyudhi .

My favorite coffee is hot black coffee.

The most is with whom I am drink my black hot coffee.

I have been drink hot black coffee with @RiverDefender at the bottom of Ciliwung River next to Bogor Presidential Pallace.

Drink Americano with

@Radjasitanggang and @RahmatHarmanP at Starbuck Manggarai Railways station.

At Kisaku Jakarta when Jakarta Local Guides celebrating 15th Google Maps birthday.

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Hello Pak @BudiFXW , How are you? Long time not see you. Hope everything is ok.

thank you for sharing us about your valuable post. wow…coffee…

As a coffee lover, of Course I love black coffee. I thought in every our meetings coffee is always accompany us during meet-ups. Thank you pak Budi.

Hope to see you soon.


Thank you bang @Radjasitanggang .

Hpe we will have a real-life meetup soon.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.


Yes, I do agree pak @BudiFXW

Stay healthy and safe. cant wait to see u soon.

Lets start our day with having a cup of Americano. cheers


Hi @BudiFXW

Nice to your all kind of coffee serving method, I like to eat hot coffee in a ceramic mug and like have ice coffee in a glass!

Thank you so much for your very interesting post of coffee serving! :heart_eyes:

Keep up your smile always! :blush:

Stay safe and healthy always!! :cherry_blossom:

Have a nice day my friend! :sunflower: :sunflower:


Warm Greetings :rose: :heartpulse: from Chittagong city

Bangladesh. :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts!!

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Hi, I hope you and your beloved family are in good healthy condition. @MAHBUB_HYDER .

Nice to know that you Like hot coffeein ceramic muh and ice coffee in a glass.

Keep on contributing on Google Maps and here on Local Guides Connect.

Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.

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You are most welcome my friend always!

Thanks for your reply @BudiFXW :heart_eyes: :pray:

Stay safe and healthy always!! :cherry_blossom:

Have a nice day my friend! :sunflower: :sunflower:


Warm Greetings :rose: :heartpulse: from Chittagong city

Bangladesh. :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts!!