What was it like in the early days of Local Guides.

Hello / Kia Ora All

I was just stuffing around doing my usual thing, looking at posts , reading and replying etc then I noticed my ID

It’s over 437 thousand

Then I though, wonder what ID number some of the Moderator have.

Well I was shocked that some of them have ID numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on.

So it got me thinking , what was it like back then when they joined Local Guides.

@SampsonF @JeslynL @MariaBi @LuisRG @Atsukot @ermest @TraciC @GusMoreira @Corrie @iyudhi @Flash @IlankovanT @KarenVChin @PaulPavlinovich @LudwigGermany @Csaba Plus any others I have forgotten.

Also anyone else who wants to post , I would and I know others would love to here your stories.

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Just about forgot

I got into doing Local Guides during a Youtube Contributor Summit I was invited to in San Francisco, when one of the other contributors there suggested it as he know that I was really good at taking photo’s etc.

And the rest is history.

Hi @GenerolHavoc (again), I registered on August 2, 2016. With a number 7872 - so LGC was way under 10,000 members back then. I was already a level 5 (than the highest level) LG. Now, almost a year and a half later, it’s almost half a million. But remember; this is about (or even less) than 1% of LG’s participating in the program worldwide.

Now what it was like back then? Well, I cannot really tell as I myself (like probably many others) only started to get involved gradually.

Some very early (one- or two-digit ID’s) are of course of those Googlers who started to set up LGC. Then there was a closed beta period (you may see badges related to this beta) which was invite only and those members could tell more (unless they’re bound by a NDA).

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Ty for the post and interesting info.

Hi @GenerolHavoc ,

I’ve joined the program in September 2016, and my ID is 46754. At that moment I was asking myself the very same question. So I started to explore the community starting from the end, reading the oldest post in every board, discovering people that now call me friend, and reading their first post I was taking the inspiration for my own posts, trying to be always myself.

More than one year later I still taking some time for exploring Connect, reading older post, discovering places, learning from other LG

This is something that I suggest to everyone.
