What type of Local Guide are you?

Local Guides reference reviews to determine if we want to visit a place; we also write our own reviews to share our experiences. Different people have different review styles — have you ever wondered what type of reviewer you are?

We’ve talked with Local Guides around the world and summarised the different types of reviewers. What type of reviewer are you?

The Journalist

Revisiting the photos and reviews you’ve contributed helps you relive your experiences and adventures around the world. For you, reviewing is like documenting your personal journey — and the accompanying photos bring back sights, tastes, and memories. Google Maps is your guidebook, full of notes and bookmarks, chronicling your explorations.

The Perks Pro

As a Local Guide, you contribute reviews, photos, and edits to unlock benefits as you level up. Every place you improve on Google Maps earns you points toward unlocking the next perk. Check out our full list of benefits.

The Altruist

As someone who has benefitted from others’ insights on Google Maps, you are motivated to pay it forward by contributing your own content. While benefits are a nice perk, you are more compelled to write reviews, upload photos, and edit places because it delights you that your contributions are helping others around the world.

The Local Expert

As a Local Guide in your community, your reputation as a local expert precedes you. Others seek the personal insights and insider tips you’ve gleaned from your experiences. Nothing beats the recognition you receive from fellow travelers!

The Expressive

The ability to share your experiences, photos, and place edits enables you to share yourself with others. You’ve found a fun, compelling way to express yourself with Google Maps.


I am definitely the Journalist :slight_smile:


I think I’m also a Journalist. :smiley:


I would say that I’m an Altruist Perks Pro!! :slight_smile:


I think I’m a journalist too.
It’d be fun if we can unlock “pegman stickers” (like those pins) based on our contribution style/location/level.


I think I’m more Altruist


I’m an Altruist for sure


Seems I’m an altruistic journalist :smiley:


I’m a mix of Expressive and Local Expert, mixed with just general “I have a geeky interest in maps themselves.” I used to work in the hotel industry and was amazed (pre-Interwebs) at how the concierge would always know all the interesting spots around town. Now it’s amazing to see how that knowledge is crowd-sourced and so dynamic.


I think I am a bit of every type, leaning to journalist.

I would suggest to add other types: Photo reporter, surveyor-cartographer. Maybe the list is endless…


I think I fall under “Local Expert”

I’m always one of the first people to try new restaurants.


I think I’m a Journalist Type LG


I think I’m somewhere between the journalist, altruist and the local expert.


Can I say a little bit of each? I’m not really good at sticking to just one thing… so I don’t feel like I stand in any one particular category!



I am so feeling #LocalExpert and #Journalist.


@YanniYoong wrote:

Local Guides reference reviews to determine if we want to visit a place; we also write our own reviews to share our experiences. Different people have different review styles — have you ever wondered what type of reviewer you are?

We’ve talked with Local Guides around the world and summarised the different types of reviewers. What type of reviewer are you?

The Journalist

Revisiting the photos and reviews you’ve contributed helps you relive your experiences and adventures around the world. For you, reviewing is like documenting your personal journey — and the accompanying photos bring back sights, tastes, and memories. Google Maps is your guidebook, full of notes and bookmarks, chronicling your explorations.

The Perks Pro

As a Local Guide, you contribute reviews, photos, and edits to unlock benefits as you level up. Every place you improve on Google Maps earns you points toward unlocking the next perk. Check out our full list of benefits.

The Altruist

As someone who has benefitted from others’ insights on Google Maps, you are motivated to pay it forward by contributing your own content. While benefits are a nice perk, you are more compelled to write reviews, upload photos, and edit places because it delights you that your contributions are helping others around the world.

The Local Expert

As a Local Guide in your community, your reputation as a local expert precedes you. Others seek the personal insights and insider tips you’ve gleaned from your experiences. Nothing beats the recognition you receive from fellow travelers!

The Expressive

The ability to share your experiences, photos, and place edits enables you to share yourself with others. You’ve found a fun, compelling way to express yourself with Google Maps.

@YanniYoong wrote:

Local Guides reference reviews to determine if we want to visit a place; we also write our own reviews to share our experiences. Different people have different review styles — have you ever wondered what type of reviewer you are?

We’ve talked with Local Guides around the world and summarised the different types of reviewers. What type of reviewer are you?

The Journalist

Revisiting the photos and reviews you’ve contributed helps you relive your experiences and adventures around the world. For you, reviewing is like documenting your personal journey — and the accompanying photos bring back sights, tastes, and memories. Google Maps is your guidebook, full of notes and bookmarks, chronicling your explorations.

The Perks Pro

As a Local Guide, you contribute reviews, photos, and edits to unlock benefits as you level up. Every place you improve on Google Maps earns you points toward unlocking the next perk. Check out our full list of benefits.

The Altruist

As someone who has benefitted from others’ insights on Google Maps, you are motivated to pay it forward by contributing your own content. While benefits are a nice perk, you are more compelled to write reviews, upload photos, and edit places because it delights you that your contributions are helping others around the world.

The Local Expert

As a Local Guide in your community, your reputation as a local expert precedes you. Others seek the personal insights and insider tips you’ve gleaned from your experiences. Nothing beats the recognition you receive from fellow travelers!

The Expressive

The ability to share your experiences, photos, and place edits enables you to share yourself with others. You’ve found a fun, compelling way to express yourself with Google Maps.

@YanniYoong wrote:

Local Guides reference reviews to determine if we want to visit a place; we also write our own reviews to share our experiences. Different people have different review styles — have you ever wondered what type of reviewer you are?

We’ve talked with Local Guides around the world and summarised the different types of reviewers. What type of reviewer are you?

The Journalist

Revisiting the photos and reviews you’ve contributed helps you relive your experiences and adventures around the world. For you, reviewing is like documenting your personal journey — and the accompanying photos bring back sights, tastes, and memories. Google Maps is your guidebook, full of notes and bookmarks, chronicling your explorations.

The Perks Pro

As a Local Guide, you contribute reviews, photos, and edits to unlock benefits as you level up. Every place you improve on Google Maps earns you points toward unlocking the next perk. Check out our full list of benefits.

The Altruist

As someone who has benefitted from others’ insights on Google Maps, you are motivated to pay it forward by contributing your own content. While benefits are a nice perk, you are more compelled to write reviews, upload photos, and edit places because it delights you that your contributions are helping others around the world.

The Local Expert

As a Local Guide in your community, your reputation as a local expert precedes you. Others seek the personal insights and insider tips you’ve gleaned from your experiences. Nothing beats the recognition you receive from fellow travelers!

The Expressive

The ability to share your experiences, photos, and place edits enables you to share yourself with others. You’ve found a fun, compelling way to express yourself with Google Maps.


I think I belong to The Journalist and The Altruist.

The Journalist

I write reviews when I get bored. There, I said it. It’s basically a way for me to revisit the places I’ve been to. I always tell a story when writing my reviews, explaining my experience so the person reading it will know how it feel to visit the place without being there. It’s a way for me to unwind. It also serves as a reminder and documentation of the things I’ve done.

The Altruist

Playing tourist in my own birth city has opened my eyes. Living in US for so long, I know nothing about Jakarta, so I depend a lot on Google Maps to get around. The problem is, a lot of data in Maps in Jakarta are still missing or broken. There was one time I tried getting to this Korean restaurant, only to find an empty building once I arrived. Apparently the actual restaurant is one block away. From there I understand the importance of helping each other to fix information on Maps.

Let’s get real here. I won’t go out of my way to fix Maps. I won’t dedicate a a specified time to just go around looking for things to fix on Maps. But whenever I see something that I can fix, I will do it. Not for the points, not for the perks, but for the fact that the next person looking for that particular location will be able to find the correct info.


I am more an Altruist.


I’m a Local Expert expressive :slight_smile:



@YutakaAT @CharlesThoquenne @KimmyF @AvelManansala @iyudhi @LudwigGermany @MauroBi

I think most of us are a mixture of the different types stated above but that’s the best part, we are made up of so many different Local Guides with different motivations and personalities from all over the world. So exciting to be able to meet new friends!


As for myself, I’d definitely say I’m the altruistic type.

Of course, everybody loves perks, but if I like the program, I will contribute no matter what.