What to eat and where you can go to Athens, GR

Amazing view to AcropolisStreet market at the centre with full of fruits and vegetablesVarvakios market in the centre of Athens


Hi @Mike_Dionisakis ,

Welcome to Connect!

Thanks for sharing all these photos! We are happy to have you here. Are they all of them from Varvakeios? What’s your favorite restaurant in Plaka? Keep in mind that a detailed post will interest more Local Guides. That way you can receive more comments. In What makes a good post? topic you’ll find some great tips.

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Hello @VasT !
Nice to meet you here!
First of all, sorry for the delay reply. Strange things happen to our lifes sometimes.
Now, lets talk for this post!
Yes, the most photos are from Varvakeios market in Athinas street, in the centre of Athens. Is a colorful and interesting place that you can find fresh fish and meat, fruits and vegetables, pure products straight from the Greek earth!
My favorite restaurant in the heart of Plaka is a small hidden restaurant called Glykys, means sweet. Is in a narrow street between museums and traditional old buildings, and has excellent Greek food and of course, delicious sweets!
I ll try to upload more fotos from all these places.
Also i would like to introduce myself at Introduce Yourself topic.
Thanks for the interest, Mike!

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@Mike_Dionisakis σε ευχαριστώ για την απάντηση σου!

Also, I would like to thank you for recommending your favorite restaurant. What makes it special? Varvakeios is the perfect place to take colorful photos. You can take a look at the How to take photos at street markets topic to take more ideas!

By the way, I’ve noticed that your post has a Greek language label. Please note that I’ve removed it. To learn more about this kind of labels I recommend to take a look at the article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.