What the Local Guides program means to me: emotions, networking and freedom.

I discovered Local Guides by chance while surfing the internet and wandering between reviews on google maps.

When I wrote my first reviews I felt like a judge of a television program and I was afraid of being critical and “severe” but with the passage of time and with the increase of reviews I realized that this fantastic program is all other.

I went from thinking of being a judge who judges severely to think that this program is instead an exchange of opinions that help others follow a safe and comfortable way.

A change of thought that led me to open up to the world, to want to travel, to the crazy desire to discover new places in the world, to be curious about cultures other than mine.

I realized that I have much more desire to travel and share emotions and make a lot of sharing ideas and forge new relationships.

If I think about this program, I imagine the emotions that each of us experiences during a trip, Yes! because for me traveling is a constantly changing mood that changes every minute you spend outside your comfort zone.

Traveling makes me feel free and doing it in company with this program is all more spectacular.

Being a local guide means a lot to me and I feel the responsibility to give a right tip to those who follow my advice.

The strongest emotion was when I managed to add a restaurant on the map that was not successful with technology and I gave them the opportunity to receive reviews from future customers as well as the possibility of being found much more easily and quickly.

I am not a local celebrity and when in a review of mine , left to a local , I saw a great interaction, I was satisfied because I am sure I have left excellent information for future travelers . I didn’t give much importance to the numbers but to how much that content had helped.

The emails of information of my reviews every month give me the right charge and the right emotion to do better and better.

With a friend of mine I share the Local Guides program and since the day I revealed this fantastic experience, we are every month comparing the results of our reviews and looking at our level.

All really fantastic ! Exciting networking in complete freedom.


Ciao @Minimattia ,

benvenuto qui su Connect, bel post complimenti! Sei di Milano? La nostra community di italiani diventa sempre piu’ grande. Li a milano ti posso pingare @nicspelgatti , magari vi potete conoscere non appena la situazione torna alla normalita’ :blush: .

Dato che sei nuovo qui su Connect ti invito a leggere Tua guida a Connect per capire come utilizzare Connect e sentirti subito a tuo agio. Se hai bisogno di qualsiasi aiuto puoi sempre fare riferimento al nostro Help Desk.

Inoltre, se vuoi, puoi presentarti a tutta la community qui: Introduce Yourself March 2020.


Ciao @LuigiZ ,

grazie per il benvenuto, non sono di Milano come potrebbe sembrare dalla foto ma vivo vicino Pescara. :smile:

Adesso la situazione è un po’ critica per tutti.

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Ciao @Minimattia ,

non c’e’ di che, con molto piacere! Ah Pescara, dai allora sei piu’ vicino :yum: . Sai c’e’ una nuova Local Guides che anche si e’ unito a Connect in questi giorni della tua zona, lo taggo qui allora @Minimanuelinooo … siete vicini vero?

Come ho menzionato a lui se ti va, e se ce ci sara’ la possibilita’, a fine giugno dovremmo vederci da @manulele81 a Norcia per la fioritura… magari facci un pensierino :blush: .

A presto!


Ciao @Minimattia benvenuto!!! :slightly_smiling_face:

Grande @LuigiZ !!! non appena tutta la situazione migliorerà ci incontriamo tutti, vecchi e nuovi membri della community!! :slightly_smiling_face:


Esatto @LuigiZ , ci addirittura conosciamo molto bene :rofl:


Ah caspita @Minimanuelinooo , vedi il mondo come e’ piccolo … magari me ne sarei dovuto rendere conto dal “mini” davanti ad entrambi i vostri nomi :joy: .

A presto e buon weekend, per quel che si puo’ fare a casa!

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