What makes me proud!

Hi, I’m here to explain better why i like to help being a local guide, at the beginning when i change my phone the questions came and i answered just a feel ones, but then they start give points for my efforts and it become quite interesting, i gave a deeper look on maps and thought all that information very, very interesting, and the possibility to help as a local guide using just my phone and my day by day activities was amazing.

then i started pay attention on maps everywhere i was and noticed that had a lack of information in suburbs, just where i used to work, most of the establishments had none or just the picture taken by maps cars, so i started include them always that i had chance, and it was really cool, some of my clients found it so technological and thanked me as if I had done a huge favor to them,I felt so proud and at the same time so grateful because a little help sometimes seems bigger than we think, now I am quite committed answering questions and adding pictures, places, changes, my goal is put all my clients chart on google, this helps them, because they can be easily found by suppliers (like me) and improve their mix of products and offering a better local support improving their chances to stay alive competing with bigger establishments and providing facilities to the local commerce.

at least this is what i think when i do it, it helps a lot and i am proud.

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