What Local Guides program means to me. Utilising other Local Guides time spent on Google maps.

I am glad and proud to be a local guide.

I started using google maps five years back, at first I don’t know about google maps and whenever I

go for unfamiliar places started using google maps for navigations, to know where I am and to know

how long yet to reach the destination place. It gives me Confidence to reach the destination on time.

After a long time usage, I accidentally come to know about the

Photos of some places in maps, I think about that and want to know how these photos are uploaded in

Google maps. I asked some of my friends about that but I didn’t get the idea. I searched in youtube and

Come to how about uploading photos in google maps. Thus I started using maps and now I am in level 7.

Though I started uploading photos for fun but now I realized the

impact on the community to the information they get on the google maps. Someone who searches

google maps about places or opening time or a review about the places will get reliable information,

and all information are the valuable times of great local guides’ contributions. Google maps work by the

teamwork of such local guides. So I respect all local guides and I am also one of them so I am proud of myself as a local guides.