I started Google Guide program with a little expectation of getting more Google One Storage to save my travel pics. Totally unaware of its untapped potential, initially I have contributed to maps and got points. I got excited as I felt it like a fun game. As I kept contributing to the Local Guide program, I kept earning rewards once after a certain target has achieved. I used to get the notification, suggestions, appreciating emails form Local Guide team, the amount of impact my contribution made to the other people, number views my photos got. And the best part is, the travelled location was stored automatically in maps timeline (Below is the screenshot of my 12months-timeline of city Hyderabad in India):
Meanwhile, the program helped me to find facts, valuable information, cost of a place or food, about religious belief, cultural lifestyle and also helped with everything that a budget traveller needs. (Below is the shot of a mother holding her baby in a slum area of Hyderabad:)
As I love to experience, explore every street, foods, places, roads, customs, culture, differences, diversities, and most importantly the purpose behind existence, Google Local Guide came as a wish, a medium or channel through which I can fulfil my desires. (Below picture shows a trekking location near Lambasingi, Andhra Pradesh:)
Thanks for reading,
G Sangram Patro