Since I’ve met the local guides program, during my walking on the Santiago way, I’ve suddenly realized it could be an excellent tool to share part of the extraordinary nature that experience was allowing me to live. Of course each experience you should live and feel by yourself. The emotion that we feel we can tell, but we can’t fully describe them, because they belong to such an intimate sphere that we ourselves often cannot define unequivocally. But sometimes one picture or a review can be a starting point for those who, driven by curiosity, decide to live their personal experience on their own skin.
Being a local guide gave me the incentive to try to take better pictures, to anhance what I saw, to try to
convey part of those beauties that filled my heart. Moreover it pushed me to refine writing, to make sure that words, together with images, could transmit useful information and emotions.
But above all it gave to me the pretext to look and observe the situoations that, from time to time I find myself living, with more curious eyes, paying attention to details useful for me and for future visitors.
You see, the emotions we feel in a certain place are often the result of several factors. A glass of wine sitting with a friend on the beach of Nazarè, admiring the mighty ocean and its waves. Or a squid kebab, eaten in a small restaurant located in the most western point of Europe at Cabo do Roca. The wonder of works of modern art at the MART of Rovereto.
Many small things contribute to making a particular and unique experience. And those small things are what I feel like sharing. As well as many of my personal experience I lived them because I was driven by suggestinons regarding places or situations that otherwise I might not have had the opportunity to know.
I like travelling, discovering new landscapes or a typical meeting place as a local market or a bar o a tavern, and meeting local people, trying to underdstand how they daily live. And when I get that, it’s a pleasure to share it. Because maybe someone else, some when could find in these suggestions the hint to enjoy that place by his own experience. So it can be that I find quite pleasant and stimulating to describe a series of small typical bars found during a short travel in Carnia. And what about the typical Osmizze in Carso ? Places where you can breathe flavors and aromas of hospitality.
And with the same sense of hospitality, as someone and somewhere else shared with me pieces of real life, so I’d like sharing pieces of my experience, even by a virtual tool, so that you could enjoy your own experience in your real life.
That’s what the local guides program mean to me: SHARING