What Local Guides means to me

Through my involvement in the Local Guides program, the monthly email gives exciting information about how many people I’ve helped, and if a place I’ve been is highlighted. To be honest to the core I was busy uploading photos, answering Q&A, writing reviews as and when I felt like because I had no clue that I would get a mail one day to visit the Google office (IF I am selected) the only motivation was when monthly emails gave an adrenalin boost that particular picture has so many views, I was bowled over when one of my photo crossed 3800 views till date along with reviews written by me were viewed more than 1100 times was really astonishing for me. I didn’t realize that reaching level 7 of Google Guide would provide me an opportunity to Visit GOOGLE office of USA

This is really inspiring for me as USA as a country I have yet to explore

As I am involved in lot of international travelling in Europe, Russia , Australia, Egypt, Thailand, Singapore and many more countries due to my assignments by my company

I love how being a Local Guide allows me to help others – by giving my honest feedback

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