I became a Local Guide in November, 2019. Since then so many things has changed in my life. I have been able to work alone on the field while learning and getting inspired by others through their achievements. Also several public buildings that previously were not on Google Map are now published on the Map. Many thanks to the Local Guides program. Also, I am able to use my spare time meaningfully; which is usually. outdoors(taking pictures, gathering data;official phone numbers for example) or indoors( uploading the data and pictures etc.) depending on my plan. Taking photos and alternating between outdoor and indoor activities is quite exciting. However, what is more exciting is that I decide what to do and when to do it. So, if am bored working indoors, then its time work outdoors. ‘Bored outdoors, then indoors I work next!’ Nevertheless, with all the excitement, strategy and interesting plan, one thing was missing in my plan. The issue of insecurity in Nigeria. It was not in my script. Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and multi religious Country. Presently facing issues of Insurgency(Boko Haram, Militancy, Kidnapping, Abduction, Killer Herdsmen etc. This has also affected me because I cannot work on certain days or areas when their is crisis. However, over time I discovered, by accident though, that I can take pictures while someone else is driving.
This gives me access to areas where security is strict or where suspicion is high. Also the outbreak of Covid 19 caused by SARS COV 2 virus has introduced a new dimension to every thing. I always listen to information updates from Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Nigeria for guidance. For now outdoor work is at a halt because were are observing social distancing, avoidance of public gathering etc. As stipulated by CDC.
What Local Guides means to me: Working alone; and with others from a distance. ‘Putting’ my Community on Google Map. I became a Local Guide in November, 2019. Since then so many things has changed in my life. I have been able to work alone on the field while learning and getting inspired by others through their achievements. Also several public buildings that previously were not on Google Map are now published on the Map. Many thanks to the Local Guides program. Also, I am able to use my spare time meaningfully; which is usually. outdoors(taking pictures, gathering data;official phone numbers for example) or indoors( uploading the data and pictures etc.) depending on my plan. Taking photos and alternating between outdoor and indoor activities is quite exciting. However, what is more exciting is that I decide what to do and when to do it. So, if am bored working indoors, then its time work outdoors. ‘Bored outdoors, then indoors I work next!’ Nevertheless, with all the excitement, strategy and interesting plan, one thing was missing in my plan. The issue of insecurity in Nigeria. It was not in my script. Nigeria is a multi-ethnic and multi religious Country. Presently facing issues of Insurgency(Boko Haram, Militancy, Kidnapping, Abduction, Killer Herdsmen etc. This has also affected me because I cannot work on certain days or areas when their is crisis. However, over time I discovered, by accident though, that I can take pictures while someone else is driving.
This gives me access to areas where security is strict or where suspicion is high. Also the outbreak of Covid 19 caused by SARS COV 2 virus has introduced a new dimension to every thing. I always listen to information updates from Centre for Disease Control (CDC) in Nigeria for guidance. For now outdoor work is at a halt because were are observing social distancing, avoidance of public gathering etc. As stipulated by CDC.
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In addition, since you’re new to the community, you might be also interested to check out Your guide to Connect.