Local guide program for me is not just a program that helps others to find nice places, but it makes local people proudly see their surrounding as global best places. Many people used to see the beauty around them as a normal scenes and they hope to reach a faraway places to enjoy the magnificent views. When you see ordinary places around you are so popular worldwide you appreciate this beauty, thanks to local guide program I felt that appreciation so many times and I think that many people did.
I was wondering what I should say about local guides program and how it is helpful for others and make their life easier, but I guess this is so obvious to talk about. Therefore, I decided to talk about how I began as a local guide and what make me continue to do so.
As one of the most emotional and enjoyable forms of art, I started as a local guide by uploading photos that I used to take for many places around me, I am not a great photographer, but luckily, I didn’t get any negative impact about my photos. During this period, I was prepare for the IELTS exam and I was practicing to write different kinds of paragraph so I started to write reviews for places I used to visit.
A photo after photo and a review after review a felt great about my accomplishment, The more I take photos for places around me the more I see the beauty in them.
It appeared that what makes this program special is not only helping people to reach their favorite places but also let the local people discover the charm in places where they live, it has been greatly influencing the local’s life.
I realize after a while how beautiful my country is, and what I used to see as normal scene is a great view for others, this is the power of the photo and this is the beauty of sharing these photos with everyone. The most exciting moment for me when I got the monthly Email show me how many millions viewed my photos in the program, nothing can compete that.
Finally, I hope that I made a valuable contribution as a local guide; it was fun using this program in google maps, I hope that I will have the chance to visit your campus in Oct. Thank you google