What Local Guides means to me: helping others, hobby, and challenge

Hi everyone, let me start my story, i discover the local guides long time ago, it’s like 4 or 5 years ago. When i went to the hotel for a project, i got bored there because the waiting time is so long, so i took some pictures there, around the hotel, and i saw the notification on my phone from google maps to give review or upload some photos in my current location, i upload my pictures and i got the thank you message and earned some points. That’s my first time contributing, it’s really nice for me because i like the challenge, there’are some levels that you can reach.

Actually, i’m active as a blogger since 2011, until now i can’t find any local guide community in my hometown, so i’m working by myself as a local guide, it’s hard to find people that want to be a local guide consistently here.

I love being a Local Guide. It makes me easier to help others. Especially for their small business and for people who looking for fast and accurate information. I’ve been able to help small business owners by adding their locations to the map, and I’m able to help their potential customers by leaving reviews to help guide their decisions. I love to give review for the place that i’ve been there.

I love eating outside and discuss with people about our life problem and seek a solution for that. I can spend almost half of my day there, because i enjoy it. For your information, I have a Bachelor’s in Accounting Computerized (Programming), but i’m also a youtuber, an accountant & volunteer in social and charity organization since i finish my study because i love being a volunteer, helping orphans and poor people. With the Local Guides program i can enjoy my mission to help as much people as i can, i can explore new places to visit together. I can share my experience there and many others.

I love taking photos with my smartphone, because the mobility is really nice on smartphone. One of my hobby is photography, so everytime and everywhere i go for an meet-up or joining an event, i take a picture. Once again, with the local guide program, i feel that i’m taking a challenge, because there are many points that i can reach, became higher level.

I really hope that i can be selected for Connect Live 2020, so we can share about the experience, culture, learn new things, and of course about local guides, we share our favorite places in the world and help people get their information in reality. After that, i can continue this local guide journey and invite many people in my city to join this program, meet-up, influence them, learn together, sharing with them for helping others together. Oh i love to do it so much. I think that’s all, thank you for your attention for reading this :blush: