What Local Guides means to me: Do good things, and good things will return to you!

The Local Guides program means a lot to me, this program has changed a lot in my personal, business and family life. I learned from this program that giving, no matter how small or simple, may make a big difference to other people. I also learned that you must do good things and not wait for getting back, but you will be surprised that the reward will return to you after a period of time. You will be surprised by the amount of gratitude and appreciation when you read a comment from someone who benefited from the information you put on Google Maps.

One of the things that made me surprised by the size of the impact you gain from a simple addition is when I added pictures and some other details of my workplace, I was surprised that a very large number of people has viewed these details. And that this number was constantly increasing until it reached nearly 90 thousand during only about two years. To me, it was probably one of the simplest additions that I added to Google Maps, but it was very influential in terms of the people who saw it.

I remember that once I helped an owner of a small fruit shop in my neighborhood -who was from another country- and I added his location to the map. You cannot imagine how pleased he was when he saw his shop live on the maps. He was thanking me in every time I met him for the next two weeks.

Besides what was mentioned above, I find a real pleasure in the wonderful competition with others by getting more points and rise in the level. In addition, I like the idea of Badges and how it’s make you think to develop your contribution in term of so many thing like Photo, Reviews and fact finder.