To tell this story we have to go back in time to my childhood dream. I always wanted to be a hero, help people, save the world, the whole thing. Soon enough (ok, not so soon) I realised super powers were out of the table. But I would find other ways to help others, donating blood is a pretty good example, and to be honest I quite often think about becoming a firefighter, I have a huge admiration for them and I see them as heroes. But how all of this is even related to Local Guides? Well, everything.
I enjoy helping people and I try to do everything I can to help them. A little while ago I started to contribute to Local Guides, and when I realised the amount of people I was helping with my reviews it made me want to do more. Sharing information is important and to know people are reading them is great. I also need information about new places and it is good to know and can read reviews from others so I can come to a decision about where to go or where not to go. I quite often visit restaurants and I like to know if it is an expensive or a cheap restaurant, if service takes too long, or a friendly staff, those things help me to choose the right place to go. It just made me realise how important is to give a feedback.
So, if you are asking what Local Guides means to me, I would have to say it is all about helping people and sharing information. About going to different places and sharing experiences. Going to the same places because you love them and helping new places to be seen.