The Local Guide program was very meaningful for me, eventhough I just got envolved about 5 month ago, one of which is giving me an opportunity to show the world, especially Anime lovers everywhere, that there is an original location of my favorite Anime “Kimi No Nawa”.
Of course not only that, when I was going to one of the museums in Odaiba I was getting lost, eventhough I finally found it. It happened because of lack of the information provided in the Google map reviews, thus I took the initiative to make a review about the location as much detail as possible so the other people who want to go there didn’t experience the same thing as I was like before.
And finally, the Local Guide program also gives me the opportunity to develop an interest in tourism or visitors to the museum in the area where I live which is decrease by the time. But since I gave a review of the place, eventhough not too much, but there is a significant changes to the visitors of this museum.
Thank you very much Google, with The Local Guide program really helped me and the others in finding location and increasing interest in certain locations.