What local guide Aditya Chakraborty likes sharing on Google Maps

I share the following things on Google maps.

  • Being a Foodie, I like to find new and awesome places to find food. I am particularly partial towards Oriental and Continental food. I like Deli food and Chinese food. So I find new places to try out food, which i have not been to before, and try new stuff, and it usually isn’t very highly priced. Once done, i share an image of receipt, the menu, and the food.
  • Being a Wanderlust, I like to click panoramic/360° pictures of amazing sight seeing areas and uploading them on maps. Because, when i see them on maps, it’s like the best thing maps has to offer in terms of exploring new areas when making adventure plans. So, i share as many of those pictures as i can. (I also report pictures where it’s a selfie(60% of picture is face/body[don’t want to subject people to hairy chested fat men]) rather than focus on the surrounding.
  • Being a tad bit Compulsive, I keep submitting/sharing edits to information i know is wrong on Google maps, (like actual location of a restaurant/shop) and i keep at it till it fixes. [this happened once, but i did it, specially as i wanted the Fact Finder badge]