What is the most interesting thing you've done as a Local Guide?

The most interesting thing I have done as As a google local guide is add missing places on Google maps.
Finding some places or business which is not added on Google maps was extremely difficult for me that is why I started contributing to add public places such as hospitals, blood bank, Schools, dental clinics pharmacies,

I feeling proud to have added over 1000 of places from my community, Kabul, Mazar, Lagman, Logar, Wadak, Bamyan, Jalalabad city… which helps people to preview those attractions before their visit.
Afghanistan’s maps really need Local Guide contributions because it’s really empty.
Contributing with Google maps is really helping people, either with their business or with their personal works.

It’s my passion to explore places that have never been on the maps.
I’m constantly contributing by adding new places on Google maps.

Mujeeb Rahman Sediqi

Me with traditional clothing while adding a school in chelation, Kabul Afghanistan.


Hi @

Welcome to Local Guides Connect the official Google Local Guides community.

As you are new, here is one of my favorite post full of tips for using connect : https://www.localguidesconnect.com/t5/Help-Desk/14-helpful-tips-for-using-Connect/ba-p/1238710

I hope it helps!

Good luck for your application!


PS: if you want to speak to anyone on connect, don’t forget to mention the person with @+ username. The person will get notifications as you just have received.

Thank you very much :blush:

مجيب لالا خؤښ شوم چې يؤ افغان ورور په داسې لار اؤ داسې خواري وينم رب تعالی دې بريالی لره له ډېره وخته زه هم لګيا يم خواري کؤم خو دې کار ته ډېرو کمو افغانانو ملا تړلې اؤ ډېر کم يې په ارزښت پوهيږي.

ان شاءالله دا هلې ځلې به يو وخت رنګ راوړي