What is the most interesting thing you've done as a Local Guide? | An authentic local story!

Since my early age, I have had the philosophy of visiting less popular places, taking some great camera shots of them in order to attract more people who like to taste, the local beauties. I have seen a lot of picturesque view, roads and places. In addition, with Local Guide program I have the ability to review small local stores. This is so important for me because when I discover something really good like food or something unique to buy, I have the inner need to share these information with other travelers. I have done it so many times but one of these, I’ll never forget. I went in a traditional small Restaurant in Greece specifically in Athens quite near to my neighborhood with my girlfriend. In Greece we call them Meze Restaurants, where you can buy a lot of small portions of food really cheap. So, after our perfect food and service, I asked the owner allow me to take some pictures of the place and foods to make a review of the whole experience.

In a month, my pictures had more than 30.000 views and the owner found me in Google and wrote me that this was amazing and so many people came to his restaurant because of that. He invited us again for a free lunch and when we went, he joined us, starting to say the story of the restaurant and crying because of the appreciation we showed.

This story leaned me, that small things, can make a huge difference in our everyday life and with small token gestures you can give true happiness!


Great story! It’s so nice to see the notifications that remind us of so many others who are viewing and benefiting from our content.

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Thank you so much @Melly3 for your comment! Congrats for your lvl of contribution to the community!