GOOGALIAN a new language we almost all speak, and we hadn´t noticed
So many interesting things I´ve done and I’m doing as a local guide, which one is the most interesting?
Each one is part of a whole, which means a new language: Googalian
Googalian for me is not just something else, is my way to communicate with my guests and friends, my choice to be with them, to share, to talk, to show, to sing, to dance, to eat, to buy, to discover, to feel and experience this magical city with so many and hidden places and corners, when I am not able to be physical.
You will find out more reading this post about what I’m talking about.
*Promote local business
It’s one of the things I’m most proud of, where I live is near the center but still a non-touristic area, so I have the opportunity to promote the local market, shop, cafes which I believe in and to support them with my adorable guests and friends.
Like Bar Gonzalo who open his place less than one year ago.
Their specialty is bull tail served on Sundays, one of the most Madrilenian dishes you can try.
Their everyday menu is more than affordable 8€, good quality, and variety.
or like Abraham drugstore, where you can find an extensive variety of products of beauty and personal care way cheaper than in regular supermarkets.
Local shops need support and visibility from everyone because they don’t have the impact and marketing than malls have.
It is essential to let local stores survive alongside malls for maintaining economic balance in society.
Go for local:
*How to become a tourist into a traveler (avoiding topics, fakes or scams )
My mission as a local guide is, to tell the truth, and I have the chance and at the same time the responsibility to avoid all the topics, fake, or scams which usually tourists find surrounded.
As I shared in my list “no city for paellas” Madrid is more than a topic, flamenco or paella which are not from here.
The goal is to distinguish each city from a whole that would be Spain.
Every city has its personality and cultural heritage.
I communicate through google maps to point which areas, streets o places are a"must" or where they can find the best specialties or attractions depend on their choices.
* Warning where the red spots are at the center and how to be aware!
**As you may know, when we go to explorer new cities there almost always who want to take advantage from us, to be aware where this unwanted company can be this list and tip can help you with it.Not without my wallet :
Because if we take care of the people who is visiting they will come back.
These are some of all the interesting things I do as a local guide, which one is more interesting from the others?
In Spanish, we have this quote " which finger I cut that doesn’t hurt? It explains a situation when is difficult to decide because all are essential or important.
For me, all in a different way are part of my life and who are surrounding me.
Now You have understood more what is googalian, well let’s speak googalian then!