What is the most interesting thing i have done as a Local Guide !!

Hello Everyone,

it’s hard to tell what I have done as a local guide because of all of I have done is interesting as a guide I want to share

my experience as a local guide from Pune India. first, at all, I say thanks to google for this unbelievable and magical program I feel proud to be as a local guide, google gives this opportunity to be part of this program, the following things I have done as a local guide

1) Question And Answers - Many people ask Questions on google maps places I am happy to answer this question I share my experience about those places and what I have experienced about that place I share frankly, people like my answers this thing motivate lots.

2) Adding Places - as I am a local guide I add places on google maps, I investigate those places and mark the location and add the place on maps google gives me permission to add a place and upload their photos it’s a most likely thing on maps

3) A Little Story - this is my personal story I would like to share on this platform what I find and what I did as a part of a local guide program, I am a solo traveler and a trekker I travel lots Whenever I go out, my first partner is Google Map. I travel all over India using Google Maps. I have never had any problems.
Sometimes when I make a mistake I need the right guidance. At that point, my real friend, Google Maps, suggests me my way, I’m a human being.
Whatever information I know about my travels, I’m putting it on Google Maps so that more new people can get there.
At times, I feel very hungry, with nothing but food
At that point, maps help me a lot and I find a restaurant and get there My favorite thing to do when I get home after dinner is to write about the restaurant on a 4-word map,

as a local guide, I share my travel pics on maps the pics are following

I have done this thing as a local guide ,

thanks For reading


Hello** @user_not_found **

Good to read about your helpful contributions.

Thanks for sharing your experience with fellow local guides. It seems this is your application post for

Connect Live 2020

Kindly remove the Neighbourly screenshot from this post beacause that’s different program.

Tagging my fellow local guide** @Shrut19 **here.

Feel free to check this thread: How-to-write-a-great-application-post-for-Connect-Live-2020

For further information you can check: Connect-Live-applications-are-now-open , Kindly remember the application is open till March 30th, 8 PM (GMT).

Good luck for your application.

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thanks Ishant i just edited my post ,Thanks Again

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** @IshantHP_ig **

Thanks for tagging, otherwise I miss this wonderful post…

** @user_not_found thanks for Sharing well written post with stunning photography, it’s look like a you are tracker, Great experience you share…**

& my Dear new team members I hope you enjoy this post…

Please share your feedback here…
** @Bhargavjoshi **
** @prasad97 **
** @virendrabulkunde **
** @Rohan10 **
** @Priya_piya **
** @Sayali_17 **

** @Rahulej57 **

** @Rajpatil **


Thanks, shrut19 for your kind words and support,i Hope You Enjoyed This Post

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** @user_not_found **

Yes we enjoyed…

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WOW LOOK AT THOSE PHOTOS! I would really like to meet you when I visit Pune next time @user_not_found

Also thanks for tagging me @Shrut19 I liked it very much. :sparkles:

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This content has been removed.


ho nakkhich @user_not_found

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