Do you know this mysteriuous objects is?
Wow, the grandpa of phone
@LucioV grandpa
No a Lucca è pieno di citofono a maniglia
Citofono tiri il bottone e suona la campana
Hey @marcovignaroli ,
Thank you for sharing your photo. How do you knock the door with it without breaking it?
I am very curious to learn more about it. Please share more information!
Hey @marcovignaroli
Is it perhaps a doorbell of Via Fillungo? They are quite common to find in the city centre of Lucca.
If you need any tips or places that you want me to advise to visit do not hesitate to ask me, I will be more than happy to help you.
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O bottoni rappresentati in foto sono delle leve tirandole azionano un meccanismo di avviso attraverso una campana
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