What is HDR & HDR+ - simple explanation? - TravellerG

This series of doubts are asked by the common man & hence the answers are framed in that style, only.

What is HDR & HDR+

** @DeniGu @JohnPeter @user_not_found **


#. HDR in Camera, is a selectable mode (or add-on menu), to produce a better image (average brightness), out of a single “Click”, when the photo contains, very bright and very dark areas.

Human Eyes have excellent HDR processing quality = Our brain processes different levels of light very well, & we see brightly light areas and shaded areas, as per our needs!!; but, the digital Image Sensor, lacks this quality.

#. HDR = High Dynamic Range – HDR Photo is created by processing multiple images & merging them into one, using the software. No hardware is involved.

#. The “Range” (in HDR) refers to the lightest and darkest parts of a photo.

#. High Range = A photo, which accommodates darker, and more bright light, to produce a moderate and pleasant photo.

#. Dynamic = HDR Image (HDRImage) processing is done by, usually taking 3 Consecutive (Dynamic) shots (with Standard, Low & High, exposures) [of the same frame] & merging them into one shot (some people prefer 5 Consecutive shots).


#. HDR photography takes care of, primarily, only Exposure (brightness); but

#. HDR+ photography, ‘Reduces NOISE’ (grains) and ‘Improves Colours’, along with Exposure.

#. When to use HDR or HDR+: (Just, a thumb rule)

When your fame (Photo) has (irrespective of the time of the day), noticeable dark and bright areas, then use HDR (do not expect magic improvements); usually, well light situations, if you add HDR, it will give better images.

#. The ideal condition for an HDR shot (Don’t worry, just mentioning – in modern mobiles, this may not be needed, especially in bright light):

  1. The best results are derived using a tripod stand since we are taking 3 consecutive shots of the same scene.
  2. Maximum try to avoid, moving objects in the fame.

#. Olden days & Now:

#. Olden days: We used to take 3 or 5 images, manually & use (Lightroom-like) software to merge it into one shot – it was really cumbersome.

#. Now: The DSLR or Mobile Camera, in HDR Mode, automatically takes consecutive shots, (no of shots, as required) and automatically merges into one image… Great! Just one click is enough…!!

#. How to start HDR Mode?

Mobile to mobile, this may vary; on some mobiles, this Mode

  1. Can be a standalone Menu [Eg: Honor View 10] or
  2. Switch on Menu (ie. You can add or remove the HDR option, in a few Modes of the camera)[Eg: Galaxy S6]
  3. Automatically switches on HDR, when the scene needs it. [Eg: Galaxy S9]

Compare:identifier.html (768 KB)

Left Photo with HDR & Right photo without HDR



One more helpful post @TravellerG thank you for sharing.

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Hey @TravellerG ,

Thanks for another good photography lesson!

There’s just one issue, though. The pictures in your post don’t seem to appear - can you please check that? I’m really curious to see the comparison between the two!

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Dear @DeniGu

Sorry for the mistake…

Was travelling in business portfolio… Will surely attend the issue tomorrow early morning .

Thanks for your guidance …

Hi @DeniGu @AbdullahAM @JohnPeter

Can I request you to kindly confirm whether the “Twin Photo” is visible, now? Please.

In order to save the number of allotted (1,000) photos’ count, I have started linking from Google Photos and there could have been some issue - sorry.

Thanks for your feed back and motivations…

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Dear friend, @Saravanakanth

Hope you will find this useful, kindly share with Ravi, Ankur & other friends…

This brief is on HDR & HDR+ photography…


Hey @TravellerG ,

No, unfortunately, the photos are still not visible. Can you see them on your screen?

Are these the photos that you’re trying to link, by the way?

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Dear @DeniGu

You said “No, unfortunately, the photos are still not visible. Can you see them on your screen?”…

Yes, I am seeing it in my screen of 3 laptops, Lenovo, Dell 4K & Samsung.

The following is the picture. How can we resolve, kindly help.


identifier.html (769 KB)

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The “Elephant photos” are different post, answer to another question.

Permit me, please…the following is the screen shot from Lenovo Carbon.

Thanks (I dont know, whether, sending screen shot to you is right - if not, kindly excuse me.

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Hi @TravellerG ,

I’m sorry for my late reply.

The reason why I can’t see the photo in your post is because I don’t have the right to see it. Google Photos albums are private, unless you decide to share them with other people. You can check out this article Share photos & videos to find out how to share photos from Google Photos in a Connect post (or anywhere else).

And by the way, posting screenshots is perfectly okay (just make sure there’s no private information visible on them). :slight_smile:

Let me know if everything goes well when you follow the steps for sharing photos!

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