This series of doubts are asked by the common man & hence the answers are framed in that style, only.
What is HDR & HDR+
** @DeniGu @JohnPeter @user_not_found
#. HDR in Camera, is a selectable mode (or add-on menu), to produce a better image (average brightness), out of a single “Click”, when the photo contains, very bright and very dark areas.
Human Eyes have excellent HDR processing quality = Our brain processes different levels of light very well, & we see brightly light areas and shaded areas, as per our needs!!; but, the digital Image Sensor, lacks this quality.
#. HDR = High Dynamic Range – HDR Photo is created by processing multiple images & merging them into one, using the software. No hardware is involved.
#. The “Range” (in HDR) refers to the lightest and darkest parts of a photo.
#. High Range = A photo, which accommodates darker, and more bright light, to produce a moderate and pleasant photo.
#. Dynamic = HDR Image (HDRImage) processing is done by, usually taking 3 Consecutive (Dynamic) shots (with Standard, Low & High, exposures) [of the same frame] & merging them into one shot (some people prefer 5 Consecutive shots).
#. HDR photography takes care of, primarily, only Exposure (brightness); but
#. HDR+ photography, ‘Reduces NOISE’ (grains) and ‘Improves Colours’, along with Exposure.
#. When to use HDR or HDR+: (Just, a thumb rule)
When your fame (Photo) has (irrespective of the time of the day), noticeable dark and bright areas, then use HDR (do not expect magic improvements); usually, well light situations, if you add HDR, it will give better images.
#. The ideal condition for an HDR shot (Don’t worry, just mentioning – in modern mobiles, this may not be needed, especially in bright light):
- The best results are derived using a tripod stand since we are taking 3 consecutive shots of the same scene.
- Maximum try to avoid, moving objects in the fame.
#. Olden days & Now:
#. Olden days: We used to take 3 or 5 images, manually & use (Lightroom-like) software to merge it into one shot – it was really cumbersome.
#. Now: The DSLR or Mobile Camera, in HDR Mode, automatically takes consecutive shots, (no of shots, as required) and automatically merges into one image… Great! Just one click is enough…!!
#. How to start HDR Mode?
Mobile to mobile, this may vary; on some mobiles, this Mode
- Can be a standalone Menu [Eg: Honor View 10] or
- Switch on Menu (ie. You can add or remove the HDR option, in a few Modes of the camera)[Eg: Galaxy S6]
- Automatically switches on HDR, when the scene needs it. [Eg: Galaxy S9]
Compare:identifier.html (768 KB)
Left Photo with HDR & Right photo without HDR