What is best way to contribute on google map?

Hello Local Guide around the world.

Everyone of we do contribute on google map as Add place,Give review,Add photos,and Ratings.

What way you follow to do that all?

I mean like when i go to any place and that place do not exist on Google map yet then…

SHOULD I ADD THAT PLACE ON THAT TIME? or i collect all required details of that place like photos, timing,phone number etc and when i at home then add that place with all detail i have

And i can set location pin.

What is better? And what way you follow ?

As sometimes unable to add that place on that time,due to some reasons.

Also same about photos, and reviews

Can we add photos later when free and relax?

Or it need to add same when we at that place.

Same for review

For example i went to any restaurant for eating.

Then should i put review when i am at that restaurant of that time or i can write detailed review when i am at home or in relax time.

What way you guys follow for it?

Is it need to stay on same location while put all detailed about that place or if we have exact details then we can put it from anywhere if we know exact location?

Plz give your suggestions

All are welcome here.


Hello @ErMahendraSharma

First, this is not an idea but a question. You should relocate the post to the How-To’s

Personal preferences may very. However, in my opinion, one should contribute in an unhurried manner so as not to create inadvertent errors.


Hello @ErMahendraSharma ,

Thanks for asking!

As I see has already been mentioned, your post would fit better in the How-tos section, so I’m going to move it there.

Idea Exchange is not the optimal place to do so. Idea Exchange is the section of Connect where Local Guides share their ideas toward making Google Maps or the Local Guides program even better. You can read more about it in How do I use the Idea Exchange?

To answer your questions, I believe adding contributions when you have time will result in the best outcome. I personally prefer writing my reviews once my visit is completely over and I feel like I’ve seen the whole experience. I usually wait until I’m back home where I can spend time crafting a detailed review.

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Hey @ErMahendraSharma

After marking you presence over that place, gathering proper informations and some photographs you can add proper reviews from anywhere. Make sure you are comfortable while adding reviews to avoid errors while listing the things out.

For adding place, it is advisable to add the place from the exact location of that place so that you can avoid mismatch in the ‘actual’ location.


I apologize for post how to post in idea exchange,thanks for correct me

Next time i will keep this in mind and thanks for answering my question

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Thanks for suggestions and answering,i will keep this in mind next time.

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Thanks for answering,i noted it.

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I think is better you pick your facts there and later write and upload pictures from home

Sometime people around including place owners could be cantankerous