What is after Local Guides Level 10

Hallo, my name is Vjollca and I am Google local guide in Tirana ,Albania. I reached level 10. what’s next ? I didn’t receive any email from you. I am so excited for what I have done. It has been a lot of work. I look forward to hearing from you.


@vjollcad Congratulations! Reaching Level is not a small feat. Thanks for taking time to contribute for the collective benefit of everyone.

Emails regarding levels are usually sent out in batches, not in real time. So some time soon, you should get a congratulatory email about reaching Level 10.

As a Local Guide our contribution and shared knowledge goes back to the collective contribution and benefit of all users. Upon reaching level 10, we just continue to contribute, mainly hopefully we find it useful and interesting and fun. In the mean time, you can try other types of contributions that you may not have focused on before for example 360 photos, etc. Also it is very rewarding to organize meet ups with your local friends there.

Keep up the good job.


Who knows what the LG team will prepare for you!

Congratulations @vjollcad !

If you want, have a look to my contributes in my signature.

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Përshëndetje @vjollcad ,

Congratulation on reaching level 10 on Local Guides!

Keep up with your contributions and enjoy Connect. For more information about this topic, you can have a look at this What is after Local Guides Level 10 article.

Just make sure that you turn on your notification email here.

Hi @vjollcad

I have removed the Albanian language tag from your post because your post is not written in the Albanian language. You can find posts in a particular language here: How do I find posts in my preferred language?