What I love the most about sharing on Google Maps.

Food is a good link between our senses and our memory. Food can bring back so much memories that is mostly the beautiful ones. Like home cooking that reminds us of the warmth of the family when we are little kids or a simple snacks that connect us with our school memories.

Most of the foods that remind us of these memories are sold on local small kiosks or on small restaurant.Which they don’t have another branches just to maintain the uniqueness of the cuisine. They also maintain the method of cooking and serving exactly the same from the time of planting or decades and therefore they maintain a sense that connects with memories and warmth.

Many of these restaurants or shops have survived for more than decades. They not just survived the era, but also the taste is still maintained and the tradition of cooking is being encouraged. This is also the reason why they don’t want to open another branches especially in other cities, they like to cook and made the food their self from generation to generation to keep the original taste.

It’s not easy to find these local restaurant and local kiosk who serve old local food because of course the typical ones are only known by the local people of the area. To find them is a challenge just like finding a treasure.

With Google Maps we can find and document the local food so we can share the experience on how these food not only survive the age of time but also bring back the authentic taste from old time. By submitting to the maps, we help them to reach much more new audience so the new generation not only can taste them but also can learn about the stories behind these food. The local Google maps guide helps preserve and reach the next generation to recognize the warmth these food has been.

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