What I love the most about sharing on Google Maps.

Hi Everyone. I’d like to share what I love the most about sharing on Google maps. Anyone who travels to different places and countries knows how essential a review is to the traveller. I Share Photographs of Plavec I visit, or clicked during my travel

A person relies on reviews shared on google maps by the local guides and that is what I love sharing the most. I find joy in posting photographs, reviews that might help a solo traveller like myself who loves to explore the less known places of interest. I personally feel Google Maps gives me an opportunity to express my thoughts and also fuels my passion to share photos of spots that can be of benefit to the tourists. This is particularly beneficial to most of the present generation as everyone around us uses the Google Maps to navigate to new places and finding the review of a place immediately saves time.

Therefore, I feel that my photos about the places that I visit whether it is a tourist spot, hill stations, sanctuaries, Temples etc , is definitely helping others and that is what I love sharing the most on Google maps.