What I Love Sharing

I love sharing about dog-friendly places. Whenever I find a new place that welcomes dogs, I am excited to share that with others! My dog is also a registered emotional support animal, and I find it interesting to see what businesses are accepting of this, and which ones are not. I think this is information everyone should know, and will hopefully encourage more businesses to be more accepting of service and support animals.


Hi @MeliKelly and welcome to Connect!

Thank you for sharing with the community what you like the most about being a Local Guide. I presume that this is your application for Connect Live 2019. If I’m correct, why not add a photo to your post? This way there is a bigger chance for you to be selected to attend this huge event. If you are interested in learning different ways how you can boost your application post, please feel free to check this article - How to write a great post for Connect Live 2019. In there you’ll find a lot of useful tips that will help you make your publication much more engaging.

Good luck!

Hi @MeliKelly . It would be nice to walk with pets to friendly places. Thank you for sharing

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