One of my highest cravings on google map is adding new places on the map and reviews on places i have visited; in just a few months i have been able to add atleast four new places on google map. And this new places and reviews range from city courts to religious worship centres, cafetaria, banks, outdoor events and recreational parks and to hotels and lodgings
The joy of sharing new places on the map and reviewing places i have been to is immeasurable. This very fact is enforced by the idea that somebody somewhere will be able to make an informed choice after reading my reviews or may be able to find a perfect spot for an event or worship or coffee. It is my own little way of touching lives of person who i may never even meet in life. The joy is incredible. My little contributions help to make the world a more connected global village and also make life simpler.
The interest is to join other local guides around the globe to make goolge map more eco-friendly and to make the world smaller and closely connected. i can assume that there are others like me, if you are out there and you are reading this now, may be we should connect and share ideas on better ways to make google map even more helpful.