What I love sharing most on Google Maps?

Hi, everyone, hereby I want to share my feeling about what I love sharing most on Google Maps. I came to Japan more than 2 years, and found that unfortunately, so few useful information in Japan area on Google Maps compared with other region. Sometimes even in some historic interest places and landmark, almost no useful information at all, no guidance, no comment, no work hour information, no website link, no any contact information.

So I occasionally added some comments and guidance and uploaded some pictures, just conveniently, without any purpose. Out of my expectation, Google Map feedback me that how many people saw my pictures and remarked my guidance information as “useful”, it really make me so satisfied to help other, especially some western people who cannot easily understand the Kanji character in Japan.

Compared with pictures, what I love most sharing is all useful information such as: open time, food series, price level, dessert or not, need reservation or not and some special requirement like no baby under 6 years old. This kind of information will be very very helpful for those visitors who go to some place first time. Fortunately, Google Maps provide very intelligent system to give you several questions to supplement these information easily. That’s why I also enjoy with sharing on Google Maps.

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Hello @Johnny_LXB and welcome to Connect!

Thank you very much for sharing your first post and for your contributions! Indeed, it is difficult for people who can’t read Kanji characters to access information on Google Maps. I don’t know if you’ve seen, but recently there was a Meet-up focused on this issue, which was organized by @HimanshiS . Here is the recap: Recap Map Englishnization in Tokyo. Feel free to check it out.

Since you are new on Connect, I’d suggest that you take a moment to explore the various sections of the forum. You can find more information about them in the article What are the Connect topics?. Another article that will help you to get started is 14 helpful tips for using Connect.

By the way, I have removed the Chinese language tag from your post since it’s written in English. You can find more information about the language tags in the article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

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