What I love sharing most on Google Maps

I really enjoy going to new places and trying new things wherever and whenever I can find them but at the same time, I like to read reviews and check new places out on Maps to see what the place is about and what to expect. This helps me understand important things about the venue like dress code, parking availability, the kind of fare they serve, street access and facilities such as ATM availability.

Since food and its cultural context have always had a special place in my heart, sharing accurate and meaningful information about food is extremely important to me. This is why whenever I go somewhere new I take pictures of not only my food but all my friends’ food and ask them how they liked what they ordered.

Being from a city that defines its food scene by its variety and intensity of spice, flavor, and freshness are important elements and I always ask my friends to comment on how the flavor and spiciness. Did the dish taste “good” and did it taste “authentic”?

I post those pictures, add the appropriate caption and describe those aspects of the food in detail to the best of my ability in my reviews to ensure that anyone reading my review understands the food experience they are in for when they try out this cool new restaurant. Its all about the spice!