The things I have passionate in sharing on google is on small businesses, at the same time adding them on the map if they are not there. For instance when I visit big retail shops and malls and realize that some of them are stocking and selling products branded in their names, several questions pops up in mind "where are the small suppliers delivering their goods? are their businesses dying a unnatural death? are they being phased out, with the unfair competitions? if so there workers shall be soon jobless! and how about then their families ??? " no wonder we the gap between the “haves and don’t haves” We do have wonderful small businesses with fabulous products but they don’t have a platform to market themselves well and occasionally faced with unfair competitions from the Giants in the market, thus need for promoting them, I believe in a society of equality not just on political platforms and positions but also financially. why have some people extremely rich while others can’t even afford a meal a day! all this wealth accumulation is vanity if your neighbor is starving to death. In a nutshell I do whatever it takes to shop and promote smaller businesses as much as I can and whenever I could so that those workers are able to keep their jobs and have financial stability too, that the business may also grow and compete with others fairly on the market.
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