- At most, I absolutely LOVE to post on Google Maps about Places where you can get gluten free food. My daughter as celiac desease (a genetically-based and immunologically-mediated systemic disorder), which causes her small intestins to get inflamed very badly after consuming even a tiny amount of gluten. Gluten can be found in almost everything. By nature it is found in all grains (for example wheat, barley and rye), but due to the processing of food and other products unfortunatelly it can be found in almost everything. Here are some expected, and some unexpectes examples: pizza, cookies, beer, toothpaste, frozen french fries, BBQ-Sauce, yogurt, limonade, medicine (pills). But even food that does not have gluten as an ingridience in any form, can contain gluten due to cross contamination. Cross contamination is the biggest risk factor, when we want to eat in a restaurant with our daughter. It is very rare to find a restaurant that has a menu with gluten free food on it. Some few restaurants will cook food (like pasta) for my daughter, if we bring the raw pasta and sauce. But most of the time when we have to go out to an restaurant that doesnt offer gluten free food to begin with, like for somebodys birthday, we just ask them to heat up a pre cooked meal that we brought. If my daughter injests gluten by accident (even a tiny amount like a crumb of bread) it has immeadiate very painful health ramifications like stomach cramps. Over time, a range of problems may develop as a result of the body’s reaction to gluten — from skin rashes and lactose intolerance to infertility, bone weakness and nerve damage. These can often happen even in the absence of digestive symptoms. That is why we very seldom take the risk to go to an restaurant that does not have a gluten free menu, and that is why i love the most to post about places with gluten free food. Because that means we found one and I can not only enjoy it with my family, but share it with others so they might enjoy it as well.