What I love sharing most on Google Maps and why

I use Google Maps every day, for directions, for images of locations, for reviews, or to pick my vacation destination.
It makes my life so much easier and saves me time. It is amazing what Google Maps can do for you.
It also allows me to share my vision, my experiences and discoveries with others all over the world.

Photography is my passion. I enjoy adding photos, especially of places that were not previously highlighted. I love unusual angels so often unnoticed. The photos allow the viewer to see the world from a different perspective, through my eyes. I am proud to have nearly to 3 million views and I am happy when my photos become the featured image for a location.

I am proud to be part of Google Maps that connects people all over the world. It is helpful to me and lets me help others.


Great post @OlenaS , your click is also amazing :slight_smile:

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Thank you @Kavita1

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Nice post @OlenaS !